CACE – Community Action in the Climate Emergency, Alex

“We need action on Climate Change and we need it fast! Who’s going to join me to sit on the steps of the Victorian Parliament on Nov 30th at midday for the school strike.” Alex Marshall, (19) tells us why she’s passionate about making a difference and why she is leading CACE – Community Action in the Climate Emergency.

Alex Marshall CACE

“I got involved with an organisation called Generation Waking Up and that’s where I learnt how serious and immediate the effects of global warming are; and that we truly are in a state of climate emergency.

“The aim of CACE is to support our local councils in declaring a climate emergency and acting accordingly. It’s a grassroots movement, we hope that with enough councils making declarations, state and federal governments will follow suit and that’s where massive change can be made.

“And it can be done! Check out the CACE website at to see the fantastic work that Darebin City Council is still doing nearly two years after the declaration.

In terms of the climate crisis in general, there are so many things you can do. On an individual level, the ultimate goal to help in the climate emergency would be to go off grid, zero waste and vegan. Obviously, that’s not achievable overnight (I’m definitely not fully there) and for some people, not at all. But if you can do anything to get closer e.g. use a water tank, solar panels, shop local, avoid excess packaging, grow food and cut down on meat, then that’s fantastic.

“In terms of CACE, check out their website, see what it’s all about. To join in the Geelong City or Surf Coast council campaign email me at

“There’s always heaps of campaigns and petitions going on such as the upcoming day of inaction: 12 PM NOVEMBER 30TH – VICTORIAN PARLIAMENT

(Get more info here:

The ‘Fight for the Bight’ and ‘Big Oil Don’t Surf’,

One way I like to stay up to date with these things is by listening to the sustainable hour:

In order to have a meaningful impact on the climate crisis, we must act in as many ways as we can, individually, at a peer/business level, council, state, federal and international levels. Everyone can play a part, no matter how young, old, physically or intellectually able, your social, professional or educational background whatever. YOU can fight against the extinction of humanity.”

Story: Jacqui Bennett Photo: supplied