
The climate is in dire straits. I felt a need to act and you can too!  PLEASE SHARE! Where other than to ours local MPs? I have made the commitment to sit outside my MP’s office every Friday. We hear their views, but ours are not heard when it is not in their interest. Emails, phone calls and letters rarely get answered. But, with an election coming up, they might start to listen.

caroline danaher

When I arrive, I hand a letter to Sarah Henderson MP explaining my reason for ‘visiting’. I am 75 so I shall be there till I die, every Friday, or until inertia is resolved and there is more action on climate change. I was inspired by Greta Thunberg, 15 of Sweden.

Join me by sitting at either LNP and Labor offices for as long as you can, preferably Fridays. Bring your lunch and your workmates. We have only a small window to make a difference. Luck is on our side. There is an election coming up. We have the power to force change. You can contact and join us through facebook @Climate:ChangeNow

#Fridaysforfuture #bystandernomore #gretathunberg #climatestrike

Story: Caroline Danaher. Photo: Caroline outside Sarah Henderson MP’s Office in Geelong. We’re proud to say this photo is in the slideshow of photos from around the world played by inspiration Greta Thunberg, 15 of Sweden. We are also proud of our local Kardinia students Laura Kelly and Jude Corbet who organised a #schoolstrike4climate