Aayushree, Study Geelong.

Have you ever laid in bed at night, unable to sleep due to noise outside? Well for international student and Study Geelong Ambassador, Aayushree, she had the opposite experience when she first arrived in Geelong! Coming from Kathmandu, noise at night wasn’t the issue, it was the quietness that made Aayushree originally feel uncomfortable. But now she loves it!

Aayushree tree

Aayushree arrived in Australia last July to study a Masters of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics at Deakin University. She chose to study in Australia for two reasons.

Firstly, as a young child her family had hosted exchange students from Australia and the stories she heard, including about strange animals like possums and wombats, fueled her desire to travel here.

Then when completing her final school year, Aayushree read about Biotechnology and became fascinated by this broad discipline in which there was so much to explore. It was a natural fit with her inquisitive mind. After completing an undergraduate degree, Aayushree chose Australia to undertake her masters due to the country’s status as a leader in quality research.

Aayushree says “I love Geelong because the people are so friendly and the environment is so rich in natural beauty.” Coming from Nepal, a land locked country, Aayushree enjoys visiting the Geelong Waterfront and local beaches.

As a Study Geelong Student Ambassador, Aayushree’s role is to promote Geelong as a study destination and connect international students to the local community.

The Study Geelong Career Mentoring program which Aayushree and her fellow ambassadors will participate in, is a great way for students to become job ready and for local businesses to develop fresh ideas and new perspectives. Mentors also benefit from personal insight and growth as well as enhancing relationship building, communication and leadership skills. Study Geelong is looking for business mentors to share their professional knowledge and play a rewarding role in developing an international student’s career. For more information and to apply go to: http://www.studygeelong.com.au/study-geelong/student-support/item/study-geelong-events-and-activities.  Mentor applications close Wednesday 13 March.

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