World Heart of Connection Day, Mark.

“Heal thy Self ~ Heal Mother Earth!” That is Mark Randall’s favourite quote that has come into my consciousness. “Through tragic events, the World connects, with compassion for humanity and our planet. World Heart of Connection Day is bringing that same sense of compassion and humanity by uniting at a synchronised time, to meditate and radiate love and blanket Mother Earth with collective healing.

World Heart of Connection Day

“Together we can make a difference. Everyone is welcome from midday, with a prompt 12.30 start to the Bunya Lawn at the Geelong Botanical Gardens on Wednesday 4th of September. Our special guest MC is radiant @RoxieBennett. Among others, live music, will be performed by by Colleen McCosh, Niki Humm & @lukemassey 11 year old daughter Zara.

“At precisely 1pm there will be 11 minutes of guided meditation which will finish at 1:11pm.  Crystal sound bowls for sound healing will be played.” We hear more from organiser Mark Randall.

“I’ve need to heal my child trauma which impacted upon my lived experience.  After years of ‘inner journey work,’ I integrated the healing and changed. I then decided to train as a clinician as a Mental Health Social Worker. I have trained in Transpersonal & Experiential Therapies (ATEP) to help and guide others in their inner healing journey.  I started all this when I was living in Perth.  I love my work with people ~ as we all are on a journey of healing and it is a gift to be in a position to care for others.

“In recovery from workplace ‘burn out’ I started the Heart of Connection Podcast ~ Self, Others & ‘All That Is.’  As the Podcast conversation flows I experienced a felt sense of experiencing a deep love and compassion.  When we spoke about their connections to the ‘All That Is’ there was an energy of cellular connection to a deep love beyond words. I could feel the positive, powerful, energy in these conversations.

“This experience reminded me of awakening on the Boxing Day Tsunami in 2004 where Mother Earth was blanketed in loving-kindness and compassion for the victims and communities affected by the Tsunami.  So in the Podcasts I started asking the question to the guests, ‘what would happen if we had a World Heart of Connection Day ~ September 4th?’ and most guests responded with ‘what a great idea.’  Alongside of the Podcast I also started the local World Heart of Connection facebook page, initially for guests to connect and it has organically grown from there.  It has been the energy of the community members who have really got behind the World Heart of Connection Day ~ September 4th that has encouraged me to action the day. Our community is about working through both the light and the dark. Sure, we all have days when we feel like … let us know within the closed community to seek connection and gain support from like-minded Souls.

World Heart of Connection Day Mark

“In my ‘Head & Heart Model’ an amateur map of the psyche, there is a part of our heart that is fragile and vulnerable and holds many of our hurts that we try to bury down our ‘rabbit holes.’  These wounds need love not aversion and keep surfacing from our rabbit-holes affecting our emotional and mental health.  Deep down in the depths of our hearts is our empowered spiritual love what I describe as our ‘Soul Mindfulness of Being.’

“We can deeply manifest this deep love for Self, Others and ‘All That Is.’ We have seen the power of love and compassion in times of tragedy.

‘World Heart of Connection Day is about gathering together to collectively blanket Mother Earth with loving-kindness and compassion to create the healing she needs. The event at the Bunya Lawn in the Botanical Gardens is a small step and we hope it grows. Unfortunately, all too often in this day and age, we are driven by anxiety which comes from our intellectualised head, we’ve lost our deep connection to our hearts.

“My long-term goal is to establish a healing re-connection centre as we are all in recovery in our journey of life. We hope to grow the World Heart of Connection Day ~ September 4th as a yearly event. We wish to invite other communities across Australia and the World to gather on this day and synchronise a meditation at 1:00pm to build the energy of loving healing for Mother Earth ~ she is in need of our healing.”

Where can people find the podcasts? Heart of Connection Podcast (iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher) or on our Webpage. You can meet Mark at the Humans in Geelong Expo.

Story: Jacqui Bennett. Photos: supplied