Destination Happiness, Angie Hilton.

“I experienced debilitating anxiety and depression in my late 20’s that really knocked me off my feet. I couldn’t eat, sleep, drive… I was a complete mess for a long time. I remember feeling shocked that it had happened to me, as I would have thought I was a pretty happy go lucky kind of person. That’s when I started studying happiness.” We hear from local, Angie Hilton who is the producer of the TV series, Destination Happiness.

Destination Happiness, Angie Hilton

“I was determined to understand how I got into that state, how I could get out of it and how I could stay out of it. I always thought that if I found answers that worked for me, then I would share them with as many people as possible.

“That’s why I started Destination Happiness, a Channel 9 national TV show that focuses on mental health, happiness and overall wellbeing.

“We launch our 3rd season of the show this Saturday 7th September at midday, on the Nine network nationally and have recently signed an international deal with the Discovery Channel. Saturdays 12pm – Channel 9 (national). Sundays 10am – 9Life. Catchup TV anytime

“It is my first venture into TV production (having no formal qualifications). I started a boutique production company based in Geelong and my team are all incredibly passionate humans who love sharing great mental health messages.

“I work closely with Geelong psychologist Chris Mackey (presenter on the show) and his wife Sue, who provide the solid mental health research for the show.

“We are a brand funded show so we have to raise all the money ourselves just to get on air. We are lucky enough to have wonderful Geelong supporters such as Villawood, Morris Finance and GenU who make it all possible.

“I was Born and bred in Geelong, I went to Belmont High. I was certainly not the academic type, so I was always drawn to entertainment and the arts. I started out in GSODA juniors and from there went on to start professional singing in bands from the age of 16. I kind of fell into TV presenting at 21 on a show called Goodsports and since then I’ve worked on shows such as Hey Hey it’s Saturday, Coxy’s Big Break, What’s Up Downunder, The Singing Bee and more.

“I’ve also had some fun singing moments such as being a backing singing for Ricky Martin, Ronan Keating and performing at the AFL & NRL grand finals. It certainly hasn’t been an easy career not knowing week to week what my next job would be, but it has certainly been lots of fun.

“A funny, memorable moment was when I was filming on What’s Up Downunder and had mucked up my lines.  I was walking backwards to film another take when I fell down a wombat hole. Funnily enough they caught it on camera, so feel free to have a laugh at my expense ha ha!”

Story: Jacqui Bennett. Photo: Angie Hilton, supplied