
Hey everyone! Atman is a mental health brand co-founded by two 17 year olds in Geelong, Lewis Taranto and Kyle Jdali. They want to help as many people as they can, particularly teenagers. They are excited to be able to start doing motivational talks once allowed!

They have recently launched a fundraiser for Headspace Geelong. It will be a 24-hour live stream on their Instagram account ( on Saturday 3rd October. Once certain donation milestones are reached, Lewis and Kyle will be doing specified challenges on the live stream which include dying their hair pink, shaving their eyebrows (they don’t grow back guys) and drinking disgusting blended drinks.

There’ll be a run at the end, with an extra 2km for every $1000 raised. There is also a raffle for anyone who donates $15 or more, with some wonderful prizes, including some gifts from local Geelong businesses! Any shares or donations would help so much in raising as much awareness and money as possible for Headspace Geelong.

Just think, donations could be helping your friend, your sibling or your child, this is exciting. We have a chance to help people without even knowing it. For more information, look at the Atman social media accounts:


Facebook: Atman (@AtmanHealthAu)

Twitter @atmanhealthau

To donate, you can go to donations taken until the end of October.

An informative and inspiring video from Atman will feature in the @humansingeelongonlineexpo2020 Make sure you register via Eventbrite.

Photo: Atman, Lewis Taranto on the left and Kyle Jdali