Jacklyn Foster, artist.

“I never began painting with the intention for monetary value, but with the premise of trust your gut and your heart, and magic will ensue.”

With her own blog, YouTube series and several successful art exhibitions, Jacklyn Foster is truly a Geelong next-gen artist.  Her passion is painting, creating abstract visual delights with acrylic paint on canvas.  But her talents have recently piqued the interest of businesses keen to commission her designs for other projects such as larger scale murals to beautify tired buildings, and enliven the style of yoga mats!

Jacklyn’s story is one to consider, especially for those of us who may have got side-tracked in life, or followed someone else’s idea of success, either deliberately, or unconsciously, setting aside our passions. 

Growing up in Mildura, Jacklyn was DUX of Visual Communication, Studio Arts and Art at high school, so it seemed an obvious choice to move to Geelong and study Occupational Therapy, right? Amazingly, despite her natural artistic talents, this is exactly what she did!

“I fell into the trap of ‘needing a career, as you can’t make money out of art’.  My art took a back seat as I began my degree. The warning signs I wasn’t enjoying what I was doing were prevalent right from the start, however, I pushed through right up until my final placement in my final year.  With three weeks to go I was so deeply miserable. I had a dream to chase, I wasn’t sure what it was, but it sure as hell wasn’t that!”

Taking a leap of faith in herself, Jacklyn followed her heart.

“I felt a great push to start painting again.  Inspired by abstract acrylics, I walked into Spotlight and walked out with a fist full of paints and paintbrushes, canvasses under my arms, and started painting again.  And that piece sold!  Then the next one, and the one after that! The opportunities came thick and fast.  I had found a way to process my emotions and express myself for the first time in adulthood.”

Her intention is for others to feel something positive from her work.

“I incorporate humour and light into my work, evoking creativity and joy.  My artworks are often accompanied with poems I have written.”

Jacklyn has since enjoyed the delights of doing what she loves, being randomly recognised around Geelong, dancing while she paints, and filming her YouTube series ‘Awkward 3 with Jackie’, an interview-based comedy show.

“I ask silly questions like ‘If you were a cheese what cheese would you be?’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdbyHiMtG6M)

But she also loves giving back to the community, delivering meals on wheels, and offering the gift of inspiration to others.

“It’s incredibly inspiring when artists contact to me and ask how I got to where I am today. And come to me for advice.”

The advice Jacklyn offers is actually great for all of us, whether we’re budding artists or not!

“Do more of what makes you feel good.  Super importantly, listen to your gut, your intuition. Whatever you want to call it, whatever that voice is saying to follow, to chase that dream, to go after what you really want, like REALLY want. That sounds super wafty, but that has been the basis of what got me here. Oh, and look for the things in life that make you laugh.”

Supporting our local talent is a great thing, so if you would like to know more about Jacklyn’s art, please check out her links.


Instagram: @jacklynfosterart

FB: Jacklyn Foster Art

A video from Jacklyn Foster will feature in the Humans in Geelong Online Expo 2020, view as part of the playlist for the Expo, or by itself, on Sunday 11th October or ongoing.

Story: Sarah Treacy. Photos: Supplied