Respect Point Impossible.

“The last day filming at Point Impossible in July, there was a large swell running and I thought I would get as close as possible to waves breaking over rocks. Sure enough, a rogue set of waves hit and I suddenly found myself standing in waist high water holding my camera above my head. I got the shot… and was soaked in the process!”

Respect Point Impossible Surfer and Big Wave (002)

John Foss is an award winning local filmmaker who has just released his latest short documentary about a significant coastal area in Torquay.

Respect Point Impossible tells a unique story about a local beach under threat and what people can do to help protect it and the environment. Point Impossible is a very special area under significant threat from development. It also has such a rich history of being abused and then protected by surfers.”

In addition to film projects, John is a Media Arts educator and an integral part of the Victorian branch of Surfrider Foundation based in Torquay.

“I’ve always loved the coast and the environment. I grew up in Melbourne, Dimboola, Ararat and Melbourne again. The one constant in my life has been the coast. Even when we lived in Dimboola we would come down most weekends to surf and swim (an 8 hour round trip!).

My interest in conservation goes back to 1989 when a group of surfers in Barwon Heads started to complain about the ocean pollution at 13th Beach. Pretty soon I found myself being voted the inaugural President of the ‘13th Beach Sewage Surfriders’ as we started a long and hard campaign to stop sewage being pumped into the ocean at Black Rock. Three years later I heard about ‘Surfrider Foundation’ starting a branch in Victoria. I turned up to the first meeting and 25 years later I am still an active member.

As a surfer, and now father, you start to think about the environment and how special it is and why it’s worth protecting for future generations to enjoy.  Anyone can make a difference whether it’s picking up beach litter, educating family, friends and our children about doing the right thing, going to a march or signing a petition. Just do something, rattle the cage and get the attention of our community and leaders.

The main message I hope people get from the film is that we can all make a difference and we all need to learn more about our beaches and the coast. A little beach like Point Impossible has a rich Indigenous, cultural, environmental and social history that make it worth respecting and protecting.”

You can view the film at this link:

Surfrider Foundation welcomes your interest: Surfrider Foundation, Surf Coast Branch e: m: 0411 552 447

Story: Sarah Treacy Photo: supplied