The Empowerment Challenge, Michelle.

16 on a bus, pregnant, feeling eyes upon her, thoughts of worthlessness and embarrassment for the situation she finds herself in. Unable to go home. 16 on a bus to take herself into an agency for help to keep herself off the streets. 16, pregnant, family with a history of mental health issues, she can feel herself slipping downhill into anxiety and depression. Her body shakes uncontrollably at the most random times, she wonders if she is broken on a daily basis. 16, a mother, the baby screams as she enters the bus, eyes shift to stare. She takes a seat and tries to settle the baby, only to hear people and their words cut through “a child having a baby, how disgusting.” She wants the world to swallow her whole.

Empowerment Challenge Myoung
This was the reality of Michelle’s life. A life that has led her to supporting others just like her. Michelle is part of a group of incredible local women who have begun @TheEmpowermentChallenge

The Empowerment Challenge will incorporate family centered, evidence-based practice and holistic supports, working with participants to thrive through their life stages.

1 in 25 babies in Australia are born to girls under the age of 18 every year. Michelle is one of these women, her daughter is one of these babies. Michelle is a strong, courageous woman who is using her experience to make sure these women and babies know they are loved.

Superheroes don’t always come with capes, they are ordinary people doing extraordinary things, in this case, for our young people.

The Empowerment Challenge is launching this coming October. Please help Michelle and her team to make sure our community of young mums know they are supported and loved. Link below for tickets to the launch, early bird tickets available until Sept. 30th.

Thank you Michelle, for taking who you are and supporting others to be all they can be, you are a superhero.

Come and find out more and meet, Michelle and the team from The Empowerment Challenge at the Humans in Geelong Expo on Sunday 6 Oct 10-3pm at Deakin Waterfront.”

Photo: supplied