Mentoring Emily.

Mentoring this gorgeous girl has been an immensely rewarding experience. Emily and I met in 2016 when I saw an ad in our school newsletter for Raise, a Foundation calling for volunteers to mentor young mums. We worked through a two-year program together. Now, 4 years later, we are still very close friends. I’ve been to all four of Emily’s daughter Kaydence’s Birthday celebrations. I felt extremely privileged to attend Emily and Chris’s wedding and super excited last year to welcome the arrival of their baby boy Raidon. We also love to catch up over a curry.

Emily Raise

I’m so incredibly proud of Emily. She and her husband Chris are saving for a house, they’ve given up smoking, she’s studying and working part-time, they have two delightful children and they help out in their community.

I’ve always thought of Emily as a friend rather than a mentee. We have both grown from the experience and supported each other. For the first Humans in Geelong Expo in 2017 I was petrified no-one would turn up. I nervously talked to Emily before the event and she very calmly told me, ‘of course they will turn up Jacqui’. She, Chris and baby Kaydence, were the first through the door and have supported it yearly. Boy, did that help calm my nerves.

I can’t thank you enough Emily, for enriching my life.

Is there something missing in your life? Could you benefit from the rewarding experience of mentoring a young person? It might be a high school student or a young mum.

Raise Foundation is a not-for-profit mentoring organisation. They are urgently seeking volunteers to mentor young people in their 2020 best practice mentoring programs. The programs run from March until September during school hours.

 Applications close on the 21st February 2020 and anyone can apply. Please share. Apply now to make a difference to your life and that of a young person in your community at

Raise measures the impact of its mentoring programs and statistically significant outcomes include increased confidence and resilience, the ability to set goals, coping skills, hope for the future and asking trusted adults for help. Raise mentors also benefit by contributing to the community, gaining improved listening / parenting skills and very importantly, connecting with the younger generation.

Story: Jacqui Bennett. Photo taken at the 2017 Raise Bump Up Graduation.