The Free Conversations Movement.

The Free Conversations Movement. Thanks Adri, from Barcelona, for reaching out and introducing me to Free Conversations. Adri is forming a global group of storytellers, with the aim of collaborating and sharing ideas. Before lock down, in Barcelona, Adri would take to the streets with two chairs and a sign, Free Conversations. On Easter Sunday I tried it at my oval, social distancing observed. Here are the first two, of a number of conversations.

1.“As a nurse, I don’t know how they are coping. I had to deal with 5 deaths in a day but how you would deal with a 100… It took me weeks to get over it. Being in ICU and knowing that there is nothing you can do but try your best. We are very lucky here in Australia that have such a great health system but hearing about what is happening in Milan and NY is so upsetting. Hopefully it won’t get to that stage here.

“Mind you, it has brought out a really positive side in people. You walk your dog and everyone is waving and saying hello. Everyone is being really kind.

2.“What’s your favourite thing at school?” Prep child on bike “I love learning.” Turns out Dad works for Ford Motor company. They are making face shields for medical workers. Mum is a midwife at Geelong Hospital, they’re still there. Elective surgery has been stopped and lots has been moved to St John of God or the Epworth. “There has been lots of preparing, we’re just hoping it is all for nothing.”

Stories: Jacqui Bennett. Photo: Adri in Barcelona

Free Conversations