Litter Champions.

Calling all Litter Champions! Fancy being a citizen scientist? Could you spare one hour each month? If yes, Caring for our Bays litter audit program needs you! You’ll become one of our Litter Hotspot Monitors. You’ll be allocated a specific location, gain simple training, equipment, data sheets and support. And you’ll get to clean up our local environment!

Litter Champions

Unassigned hotspots include: Limeburners boat ramp, Cunningham Pier, Officeworks Geelong CBD, Queenscliff Ferry and Burnt Point in Queenscliff. For more info visit our facebook site Caring for our bays or contact project coordinator Angie Poole at or phone 0478 777 306.

If you’re an Eco Warrior and would like to see more Action against Climate Change, there are petitions you can sign. The Australian Conservation Foundation And Professor Peter Graham’s daughter Ella-Mei, 11, has started a petition from the kids of Australia to the government, to voice their concerns about climate change targets in policy making.

Story and photos supplied.